Meet the Vego Garden Grove

At Vego Garden, we believe that a sustainably organic, farm-to-table lifestyle is possible for every gardener, no matter their skill level. The more we can share this message, the more lives we can change for the better. That's where our Vego Garden Grove comes in. The people who make up our Vego Grove, our Influencers and Ambassadors, are incredible individuals who are active in their communities, and motivated to make the world a better place. They're gardeners, farmers, nature-lovers, and educators. They help spread the joy and power of gardening to their followers and inspire everyone around them. Meet some of our Ambassadors!

Alyssa Bilbrey >>
Alyssa Bilbrey
My name is Alyssa. I am from the Midwest and have been very fortunate to have grown up homesteading and gardening my entire life. It can sometimes be a lot of work, but this lifestyle is enriching. While I am the face behind the account, my brother is also a big part and helps with a lot of behind-the-scenes work. To share how our family has gardened for several decades, we want to help others get started growing their fresh homegrown food.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Sustainability for me is about reducing waste, building up the soil, and promoting regenerative agriculture in various areas around my homestead by letting our animals free-range and naturally add compost back to the soil.
Anna G. >>
Anna G.
Self taught gardner growing organic food in my backyard not only to feed my family but to share with others year round in my desert garden.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Getting others involved with being more sustainable by teaching them how easy it is to save seeds, recycle, compost & grow their own food. If everyone took a community minded action, no matter how small, the world would be a better place for it. More people growing their own food= no poverty, zero hunger, good health & well being.
Ara & Jim H. >>
Ara & Jim H.
We're a husband & wife team growing organic veggies for our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program on our small farm in Magnolia, Texas.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Make more of our own compost, worm castings and other inputs with community materials, regenerate the soil on our land, build an ecologically diverse farm and homestead.
Erin R. >>
Erin R.
I've been gardening for about 4 years and I'm 30 years old. I love growing all the classics like tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers, but I also try to grow something new and weird each year just to find out if I like it or not. My latest learning experience has been asparagus and it might just be one of the strangest things I've grown. Outside of gardening, I'm an attorney. I own my own law firm with my husband and we practice primarily estate planning and probate law. My other hobbies include playing pickleball and pampering my two dogs.
Vego Favorites:
Any of the raised beds, always in cream!
Sustainability Goals:
I'm always looking for small and big ways to improve my sustainability in my everyday life. A big achievement for me has been learning to compost and I hope to create less and less waste every year.
Eryka Spera >>
Eryka Spera
Eryka is a mother and former Mainer living in the south. Having just moved, Eryka is rebuilding her garden and learning about her new and longer garden seasons. Eryka enjoys gardening with her daughter and teaching her all about planting, growing, harvesting and preserving food. When they aren’t in the garden Eryka enjoy baking, cooking, biking and hiking.
Vego Favorites:
kid'ss first garden bed is a great size for those with children or wanting to grow some items as they get their toes wet. I really love the versatilely of the 6 in 1 beds! You have the option to change the design based on your needs or space.
Sustainability Goals:
Harvesting seeds to store and replant each season.
Heather Blackmore >>
Heather Blackmore
Heather is an award-winning garden writer and photographer whose work has appeared in many regional and national publications. She loves creating new perennial gardens around her Chicago-area home and experimenting with vegetable varieties in her small raised bed garden.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
To get the most out of my raised beds during my relatively short growing season, I want to be more deliberate about how I use bare spots in the veg garden. Succession planting will be in full force here! If there's an empty space, there will be fresh seeds to fill it!
Inna >>
Gardening in my suburban backyard in San Antonio TX. When it comes to growing I keep it light, fun, and a bit messy. My backyard is also a refuge for several feral neighborhood cats.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
gardening in support of my own mental health, eating seasonally and freshly, reducing waste by composting and cutting the length of my food supply chain by growing my own, becoming more self-reliable by means of developing my gardening skills and seed saving.
Jennifer >>
Learning to grow fruit and veggies in California Zone 9b. I love connecting with other gardeners!
Vego Favorites:
32" stand-up gardening range + beyond excited to try out the new elevated garden rolling bed when it arrives!
Sustainability Goals:
I try to garden responsibly, whether that’s water-wise gardening or limiting my impact on the ecosystem by using natural and organic gardening methods whenever possible!
Jennifer Roberts >>
Jennifer Roberts
City girl turned farmer who fails forward and helps encourage others to do the same as they grow on their journey to sustainability.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Grow enough food to feed our family and sustain our animals (cows, chickens, rabbits, etc.)
Kayla >>
mother of 5 living our best lives with our fur babies
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
growing healthy food for my family
Lannie A. >>
Lannie A.
I am an avid backyard organic gardener in Maryland. I utilize vertical gardening in growing vegetables and flowers to maximize my space. I love sharing experiences, tips, and tricks, as well as DIYs for growing all year round.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
My goal is to grow at least 75% of our own organic vegetables despite all the challenges of growing in a small garden all year long.
Lisa C. >>
Lisa C.
Sustainable and organic gardener
Vego Favorites:
6 in 1 and 10 in 1 because it’s modular and long lasting for years
Sustainability Goals:
Reduce and reuse as much kitchen and garden as resources back into our garden to continue growing more food
Marcus B. >>
Marcus B.
Marcus Bridgewater is the CEO & Founder of Choice Forward, personality behind Garden Marcus on social media, and author of "How to Grow: Nurture Your Garden, Nurture Yourself" (HarperOne, 2022).
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
I'd like to grow more of my own food and reduce my number of trips to the grocery store, as well as add more native and pollinator plants to my garden.
Michelle Bruhn >>
Michelle Bruhn
Michelle Bruhn is a suburban homesteader from Minnesota. She’s a local food advocate, avid gardener, co-author of Small-Scale Homesteading, garden educator, and farmers market manager. As the founder of Forks in the Dirt, an information hub for garden and farm-to-table living, she has helped many people grow their own, know their farmer and cook real food year-round; her passion is helping folks Dig Their Food.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
I truly believe growing more of our own food and eating local can change the world- one meal at a time.
McKenzy Winkler >>
McKenzy Winkler
McKenzy Winkler lives in a tiny, log house with her family of six. Together, they homeschool and homestead on their 7 acres nestled in Central Pennsylvania. Along with running the farm, McKenzy enjoys educating others on sustainable farming practices, gardening and preserving the harvest on their Instagram and Youtube Channel, Little Farm Folk.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Medicinal Herb Farm, small farm CSA
Meg Austin >>
Meg Austin
I'm a wife, mother, recipe developer, and photographer. When I’m not pulling weeds in the garden, I’m taste-testing the best recipes from my kitchen to yours! I teach ways to prepare and preserve food that is fun and simple.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Our greatest goal was raising enough meat chickens to be completely independent from buying commercial chicken at the grocery store.
Megan Wells >>
Megan Wells
Homemaker bringing the good, true, beautiful, and natural from her front step to her backyard.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Providing our own herbs and leafy greens
Nicole J. >>
Nicole J.
Nicole is the co-creator of the True Food TV YouTube channel with half a million subscribers and over 45 million views. She is a writer and journalist, with work published in The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler and elsewhere; a video editor and film producer; and keynote speaker specializing in agricultural literacy. A native New Yorker, she now lives in a 200-year-old house outside of Philadelphia with her husband and son.
Vego Favorites:
I LOVE my Vego garden bag — it’s been so intelligently designed! And, of course, my 17” pearl white garden beds — they are beautiful, non-toxic and will last me a long time!
Sustainability Goals:
To maintain an organic, no-dig garden exclusively grown from heirloom seed.
Nita >>
Thai Gardener, Edible Garden, Flower lover, DIY dabbler
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
To raise enough produce to sustain my needs and the needs of those around me and to further my knowledge to others.
Oma >>
I'm Oma, which means grandma, and these are my gardens. I've enjoyed gardening for 30 years. A beautiful garden is like coming home. It's that piece of art that makes the room warm. Except, instead of just being art that one can see, a garden is art that one can smell, feel and taste. Gardening brings peace to one's mind and nurisment to one's body and Vego Gardens make gardening even easier! I simply love seeing them in my space and it's a joy sharing this love with others. Meet me in the garden for tips and inspiration on creating your own garden dreams.
Vego Favorites:
The classic 17 inch 9 or 10 in one beds are my favorite as they provide so many simple beautiful options to use them!! The Vego garden bag is also a favorite and makes carrying around all those garden tools a breeze. Things I'm dying to try? The 32 inch beds and the winter frost covers are definitely on my list!! Just imagine all those winter greens❤
Sustainability Goals:
To continue to learn and improve my ability to grow in any climate using the most sustainably organic and natural products.
Professor Mint >>
Professor Mint
My name is Stefane, but most know me as Professor Mint. Gardening has been passed down in my family for generations, and is an important part of my heritage. My gardening journey truly started when my grandma passed down a set of pigeon pea seeds to me that were passed down to her from her father. It led to me having quite a passion and curiosity for seeds and growing unusual heirloom varieties from all different backgrounds. My quirkiness definitely shows in the chaotic little jungle I’ve created over the years. I’ve managed to cram a vast variety of things in my small backyard, including a large amount of tropical fruit trees. I love pushing the boundaries of what I can grow in my zone 10b, and bringing my Caribbean roots into my garden. My favorite things to grow are my grandmas pigeon pea mix, lots of colorful hot peppers, and different types of eggplants.
Vego Favorites:
My favorite raised bed is the 17 inch round garden bed in olive green, because it’s compact enough to fit pretty much anywhere in my garden. I also love the Vego garden bag, it holds a ton, and makes gardening so much easier.
Sustainability Goals:
I love to cook, and my goals mainly revolve around producing as much of my own organic, quality herbs, fruits, and veggies to create my dishes. I also try to reduce my waste as much as possible, by recycling and reusing what I can right back into my garden.
Reena >>
Master Gardener
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
To maintain a self sustaining ecosystem, not depleting natural resources.
Rhonda K. >>
Rhonda K.
Hi friends! I’m Rhonda Kaiser. Southern Home & Farm is my pursuit of all things home, garden and farm. My rural background, Texas Master Gardener achievements, interior and landscape design studies allow me to create inspirational sanctuaries of home and outdoor spaces to share with my followers. For me, our farm is an escape and the perfect setting to bring nature and vintage décor together for beautiful living.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Reduction of landscape water, seasonal crop rotation and reduced soil erosion
Sandra >>
I am an Organic Gardener. Hi, my name is Sandra, I am based in Southern California, Zone rob, because of the bless of our weather, we do not have frost date and able to grow year-round.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
My goal is to help and inspire others to grow their own food and providing useful tips.
Sara >>
Middle Tennessee gardener hoping to encourage others to grow something!
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
To grow as much of our family’s food as possible!
Sarah Considine >>
Sarah Considine
Born and raised in Long Beach, California- moved to San Diego after college. My passion for health and plant-based cooking started over 20 years ago and has flourished into an obsession with living with intention, eating foods from the earth and feeding the community wholesome real food meals made with love.
Vego Favorites:
I absolutely love the 17” tall white garden bed! They are so aesthetically pleasing and functional!
Sustainability Goals:
To produce as much of our own food as possible, and to one day have a compost continuously giving back to the garden.
Stacie >>
Stacie is a mental health advocate, surfer and ocean activist, newbie urban farmer and community builder. She and her husband are passionate about learning to grow their own organic food, build biodiversity, regenerate the soil, raise backyard chickens, and share stories with others interested in impact work for the planet.
Vego Favorites:
The Cascade Bed!!! AKA misfit bed!
Sustainability Goals:
Grow our own organic food, recycle / upcycle water (living in a drought state), build healthier soil, design ""ocean friendly gardens"" built to retain moisture and lower runoff and pollution into the oceans and waterways.
Tien H. >>
Tien H.
I am a registered dietitian by profession, wife to an architectural designer, and mother to four little humans. Although I’ve always been surrounded by avid gardeners, it never occurred to me to start growing my own food until I had my first child. My first “garden” was a couple of little planters tucked along the edge of a tiny Boston balcony. My harvests were at best unremarkable but enough to sow the love for gardening in me to last a lifetime. While nurturing my tiny garden, I would daydream about a bigger space to grow more food. In 2014, my dream came true when our family moved to Miami, FL. I now garden on a 0.18 acre lot. Delectable Day is a space I carved out to dedicate to the things I love outside of my dietetic profession and role as wife and mother. One of the things I love most is gardening. I am not a garden expert. Everything I learned, I did it by scouring google academy, reading all the gardening books I can get my hands on and following all that up with lots of trials and errors in our garden.
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
To nourish my family with produce from the garden
Tonya Snyder >>
Tonya Snyder
Tonya is a business owner, artist, farmer, and homesteading mama to six children. She believes in preserving tradition by working hard, living simply, taking it slow, and not being afraid to live against the grain of society out on her Missouri farmstead! She put her degree in holistic health science to use, by running a natural, sustainable skincare line featuring goat milk, farm-raised and foraged medicinal plants and hand-rendered tallows. Tonya has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an even bigger love for passing down these traditions to the next generation!
Vego Favorites:
Sustainability Goals:
Our goal for this 2023 growing season is to introduce the Hugelkultur system to our farm by switching to raised garden beds. We are also installing a 28-foot greenhousee and look forward to extending our growing season by utilizing Vego raised beds and supplements!
Alyssa Bilbrey
Anna G.
Ara & Jim H.
Erin R.
Eryka Spera
Heather Blackmore
Jennifer Roberts
Lannie A.
Lisa C.
Marcus B.
Michelle Bruhn
McKenzy Winkler
Meg Austin
Megan Wells
Nicole J.
Professor Mint
Rhonda K.
Sarah Considine
Tien H.
Tonya Snyder

Love the Vego Garden Grove?
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We are always looking for extraordinary people to help us spread the Vego Garden spirit and to share their love for gardening & sustainable living. As a Vego Garden Influencer, you'll enjoy awesome perks like free products and connections to a huge network of incredible gardeners. A select group of our Influencers are also chosen to represent Vego as Brand Ambassadors where there's even more exciting perks, base pay, and a close relationship with the best team out there!

How It Works


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can become a Vego Influencer?

A: To be a Vego Garden Influencer, you must be active on Instagram, Tiktok, or Youtube and over 18. Unfortunately, we're currently only accepting applications from the US!

Q: How are Vego Influencers Compensated?

A: To make Vego Grove payments as easy as possible, we pay via PayPal, a free service that's super quick and easy to sign up for.

Q: Think you're a good fit for the Vego Grove?

A: Apply to join our network by simply filling out a super easy application and let us know more about your gardening sustainable living adventures!